Trashy Advent!

Everybody knows those chocolate-filled advent calendars, which flood the supermarkets already from October every year. You open one window and you find a Santa shaped candy inside. Using this as Inspiration, during the advent period, every day we opened one numbered trash bin, which was on the street and put a present into it. Then we took a picture of the contents. These digital calendar windows / pictures (as gif animations) were sent by emails every day to all of our contacts. Linked to each email, we also sent some web links, which were all somehow connected to the actual object in the bin.
We also made some printed calendars, which were distributed by the homeless and poor people of the street.

The local municipality of the 8th district of Budapest (Józsefváros, which is one of the poorest districts) criminalizes poverty by prohibiting dumpster diving in the district. From the 1st of January, 2011 if you take trash in this district, you are obliged to pay a fine of 50.000 HUF (ca. 185 euros).
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A jól ismert adventinaptárak mintájára 2011. adventjének minden napján kinyitottunk egy budapesti számozott kukát, és elrejtettünk benne valamit. Az erről készült fotókat, mint gif animációkat minden nap emailben elküldtük kontaktjainknak. A képek mellé egy-egy web hivatkozás is tartozott, ami valamilyen módon kapcsolódott a kuka aktuális tartalmához. Ezentúl készítettünk nyomtatott kalendáriumokat is, melyeket hajléktalan ismerőseink terjesztettek az utcán. A projekt apropóját a szegénységet kriminalizáló - főként hajléktalanokat sújtó - kukázást tiltó, aktuális józsefvárosi rendelkezések adták.

© Poverty Riots, 2011.